Nothing is better than taking out the hiking gear, loading the car, and connecting back to nature. Never mind if you are with friends or the kids, you always need the right equipment, and that is where HIGH STREAM GEAR comes in.
HSG was born out of the experience of two parents hiking together with their kids very frequently, experiencing how it can be tough when you are traveling without the correct equipment. One of these trips triggered the idea to set out and create a brand of safe and effective products specifically for each member of the family.

Sam Lipson
CEO & Founder, DSL Quality LLC
[email protected]
Sam is a father of six kids who have experienced many times the challenges of a family hike. Sam together with his wife Deborah, founded and created High Stream Gear to make a trip with the kids even more exciting and memorable.
While creating the brand they did not just focus on the needs of the parents but mainly on the kids’ necessities and gear that will make them want to join the adults on a hike and keep them full of energy on the trail. Every product was “tested” by Sam’s kids Before planning and manufacturing them, to make sure that they are enjoyable as well as durable and useful.