High Stream Gear trekking poles provide a lot of benefits to hikers. We cannot say they are the most important thing in hiking but, they will surely give a lot of benefits, especially to keep your joints protected. There are studies and research, that using walking or trekking poles to help reduce the stress on the back, knees, legs, and feet.

Why Choose High Stream Gear Trekking Poles?

High Stream Gear focuses on giving a high-quality standard of their trekking poles. They are proud of the collection of products they have designed, knowing that they can help bring the right sizes, designs, weight of compatible hiking poles to make everyone satisfied while keeping it stylish.

What are the Benefits of Using High Stream Gear Trekking Poles?

1.) High Stream Gear trekking poles reduced stress on the feet, knees, legs, and back.

2.) It protects knees and aid balance on walking down steep hills.

3.) High Stream Gear poles improve your endurance when walking uphill and build muscles in arms, shoulders, and neck.

4.) It improves posture and provides extra stability.

5.) It supports the spine by strengthening the muscles.

What are the Things to Look for in Hiking Poles:

Trekking Pole Length

  • From the tips on the ground near your feet, hold the poles then your elbow should bend 90-degrees, this should be the right length.
  • Going uphill sections, you should shorten the poles by about 5-10cm to secure pole plants and get more leverage.
  • For downhill sections, lengthening the poles by about 5-10cm will keep the body more upright for better balance.

Better to buy a trekking pole that is adjustable.

Trekking Poles Features

Trekking Pole Grips

Grip Materials

  • Cork
  • Foam
  • Rubber

Trekking Pole Shaft Material:

  • Aluminum
  • Carbon Fiber

Other Features of the Trekking Pole to Consider

  • Wrist Trap
  • Pole Tips
  • Holster or Carry bag