Green Trail in High Rock Park/Greenbelt – Staten Island, New York

Difficulty: Moderate, 2-mile out-and-back trail with some elevation gain
Amenities: Nature center, recreation, and carousel nearby (not at the trailhead)
Parking/Admission fee: None

Hello dear readers! Today’s journey will bring us to the “big apple” of the United States, the city that never sleeps, New York City. This city not only offers the best Broadway shows, flavorsome diners, picture-postcard sites, and museums but also some of the best panoramic views that offer breath-taking vista at the top of the ridge trails, the Greenbelt Trail in High Rock Park. With moderate difficulty, the park is great for children to discover nature and exercise their imagination! It is a great place to connect with each family member considering the tranquility of the park, featuring its quiet ponds and deep woods. The variety of habitats support a diverse array of plants and wildlife that children are waiting to explore. The trail highlights six walking trails, along which visitors can see stands of red maples, highbush blueberries, and patches of skunk cabbage. More information including a detailed map and some of the must-do things can be found below.

greenbelt map

Here’s a list of must-do things in Greenbelt:

1. Enjoying the playground!

Although Greenbelt Trail in High Rock Park occupies a large area in Staten Island, there are only two playgrounds in the area and both are pretty basic. One is conveniently located behind the Carousel for all children in Willowbrook Park, the other is on Richmond Parkway, also known as the Korean Veterans Memorial Parkway. Despite the basic playground, it is a good environment to let the young ones enjoy playing along with nature and away from a crowded city.

2. Appreciating the trail!

The Greenbelt Trail in High Rock Park is crisscrossed with six hiking trails. Most family hikers opted to follow the Yellow Trail to Moses’ Mountain in High Rock Park. It offers fantastic panoramic views of the park from its apex. When you have children, staying on the Yellow Trail is the best trail for a gentle walk up the hill. Different paths that went straight up are also available but expect scrambling over rocks and asphalt on a seriously steep incline which can be a little difficult considering the young ones.

3. Be a birdwatcher!

One of the few things that made the Green Trail in High Rock Park well known for is its “feathered friends”. Different species of birds can be observed through the park. One thing to let the young ones enjoy is to be a birdwatcher while on the trail. It can be fun for them and it brings them a closer connection with nature.

4. Preparing a barbecue or picnic!

Green Trail in High Rock Park boasts a lot of open areas for a picnic, in fact, Willowbrook Park has a designated area with barbecue grills which is on a first-come-first-served basis. It is a great place for a picnic as it connects family members lose to nature while being full. If you’re planning to trail, the food will make the trail much more energetic.

5. Exploring the Greenbelt Nature Center!

The small nature center in LaTourette Park features displays about the Greenbelt’s natural environment—including a few live animals—and a nice one-mile hiking trail around the back designed specifically for children.

In conclusion, the Green Trail in High Rock Park is a great place. Not only can you do the mentioned activities, but you can also breathe in the fresh air, soak up the sun’s rays, and appreciate all of the things that make being outdoors so great. Just always remember, that we people, especially children cannot grow to love nature if they do not experience it.

We may seek out nature not only for our physical survival but because it’s good for our social and personal well-being and, the Green Trail in High Rock Park is a great way not only to escape the bustling life in a city but also to make sure that the next generation has the opportunity to have meaningful encounters with nature.